Installing Flux
Be sure that the liquid-fixpoint
and z3
executables are in your $PATH
The only way to use Flux is to build it from source.
First you need to clone the repository
git clone
cd flux
To build the source you need a nightly version of rustc
We pin the version using a toolchain file (more info here).
If you are using rustup
, no special action is needed as it should install the correct rustc
version and components based on the information on that file.
Next, run the following to build and install flux
cargo xtask install
This will install two binaries flux
and cargo-flux
in your cargo home. These two binaries should be used
respectively to run Flux on either a single file or on a project using cargo. The installation process will
also copy some files to $HOME/.flux
In order to use Flux refinement attributes in a Cargo project, you will need to add the following to your Cargo.toml
flux-rs = { git = "" }
This will add the procedural macros Flux uses to your project; it is not a susbstitute for installing Flux, which must still be done.