Developer's Guide

Regression Tests

You can run the various regression tests in the tests/pos and tests/neg directories using cargo xtask test

This will build the flux binary and then run it against the entire test suite. You can optionally pass a filter to only run tests containing some substring. For example:

$ cargo xtask test impl_trait
   Compiling xtask v0.1.0 (/path/to/flux/xtask)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.29s
     Running `target/debug/xtask test impl_trait`
$ cargo build
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.05s
$ cargo test -p tests -- --test-args impl_trait
   Compiling fluxtests v0.1.0 (/path/to/flux/tests)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.62s
     Running tests/ (target/debug/deps/compiletest-1241128f1f51caa4)

running 5 tests
test [ui] pos/surface/ ... ok
test [ui] pos/surface/ ... ok
test [ui] pos/surface/ ... ok
test [ui] pos/surface/ ... ok
test [ui] pos/surface/ ... ok

test result: ok. 5 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 191 filtered out; finished in 0.10s

running 2 tests
test [compile-fail] neg/surface/ ... ok
test [compile-fail] neg/surface/ ... ok

test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 207 filtered out; finished in 0.09s

Testing Flux on a File

When working on Flux, you may want to test your changes by running it against a test file. You can use cargo xtask run <input> to run Flux on a single input file. The command will set appropriate flags to be able to use custom Flux attributes and macros, plus some extra flags useful for debugging. For example:

$ cat
#[flux::sig(fn(x: i32) -> i32[x + 1])]
fn add1(x: i32) -> i32 {
    x + 1
$ cargo xtask run

The command will use a super set of the flags passed when running regression tests. Thus, a common workflow is to identify a failing test and run it directly with cargo xtask run, or alternatively copy it to a different file.

You may also find useful to create a directory in the root of the project and add it to .git/info/exclude. You can keep files there, outside of version control, and test Flux against them. I have a directory called attic/ where I keep a file named To run Flux on it, I do cargo xtask run attic/

Reporting locations where errors are emitted

When you use cargo xtask run you'll see that we report the location an error was emitted, e.g.,

error[FLUX]: refinement type error
 --> attic/
4 |     0
  |     ^ a postcondition cannot be proved
-Ztrack-diagnostics: created at crates/flux-refineck/src/   <------- this

You can also pass -Ztrack-diagnostics=y to enable it if you are not using cargo xtask run

Running outside the project

To run Flux in a package outside the flux repo you need to install the binaries globally. You can do that using cargo xtask install. If you are continuously testing new changes it could be annoying to do it each time. To deal with this, you can set the FLUX_SYSROOT environment variable to change the location where cargo-flux and rustc-flux load the flux-driver. You can set it globally to point to the target/debug directory inside your local copy of the repo. This way you won't have to run cargo xtask install after every change, and you can be sure you'll be using the latest local debug build. Just be aware that the rustc-flux and cargo-flux binaries are built for a specific toolchain, and you will get a dynamic linking error if the flux-driver was compiled with a different one. This is to say, you should at least run cargo xtask install every time after the toolchain is updated.

Profiling Flux

Set FLUX_DUMP_TIMINGS=true to have flux write timing diagnostics to ./log/timings.

Right now this is extremely simple, it just provides some details for the spans under flux_typeck and flux_driver.

Sample output

Below is a sample output for an invocation of cargo-flux check that took 19 seconds. The missing 2 seconds approximately accounts for the time it takes for cargo check to run.

Note that check_crate contains everything running under check_top, which is why the sum of the spans is greater than 19 seconds.

    num events:   205
    min non-zero: 0.52ms
    1st quartile: 0.52ms
    2nd quartile: 1.05ms
    3rd quartile: 2.62ms
    max:          24.12ms
    total time:   229.64ms
    num events:   205
    min non-zero: 0.52ms
    1st quartile: 0.52ms
    2nd quartile: 1.05ms
    3rd quartile: 5.24ms
    max:          159.91ms
    total time:   2028.47ms
    num events:   205
    min non-zero: 22.02ms
    1st quartile: 26.21ms
    2nd quartile: 28.31ms
    3rd quartile: 40.37ms
    max:          1867.51ms
    total time:   9106.36ms
total time: 11364.47ms

    num events:   1
    min non-zero: 18.35ms
    1st quartile: 18.87ms
    2nd quartile: 18.87ms
    3rd quartile: 18.87ms
    max:          18.87ms
    total time:   18.87ms
    num events:   1
    min non-zero: 16986.93ms
    1st quartile: 16995.32ms
    2nd quartile: 16995.32ms
    3rd quartile: 16995.32ms
    max:          16995.32ms
    total time:   16995.32ms
total time: 17014.19ms

Macro expansion

For example if you have code like in path/to/

fn main() {
#[flux::refined_by(elems: Set<T>)]
struct HashSet<T, S = RandomState>;

and you want to see what the extern_spec macro expands it out to, then run

cargo x run -- -Zunpretty=expanded path/to/

Or you can run the xtask command directly

cargo x expand path/to/